Monday 9 January 2017

Asanas poses of the animals and the earth

 1. Matsyasana & Matsyendrasana ( THE FISH POSE ) मत्स्यासन 

     In this pose practitioner needs to lie on the back, with legs extended and elbows drawn beneath the body. An inhale lifts the chest towards the ceiling , while the head drops back and the crown touches the floor . Just as there are many types of fish in the sea, there are many variations in this pose. 


 2. Chandrasana & Ardha Chandrasana ( MOON AND HALF-MOON POSE) चंद्रासन 

    In this pose practitioner is in a a standing lunge position, with the back knee off the floor. The arms reach up, and the spine stays long. 

Ardha Chandrasana is also a standing pose, but it is requires more balance and attention. While standing up on one foot with the corresponding g hand on the floor, you need to stretch out the body, reaches back with the other leg, and reaches up with the free hand. Eventually, the practitioner needs to turn the head to look at the sky. 

3. Bhujangasana (THE COBRA POSE) भुजंगासन 

    It is a simple back-bend pose . The practitioner needs to lie on the belly and use the muscles of the back to lift our head and chest and upper arms represent the hood of the cobra. 

 4. Mayurasana (THE PEACOCK POSE) मयूरासन 

   It is a balancing pose. Practitioner puts the hands together on the floor, fingers pointing backwards. Then, resting on the elbows, lean forwards in order to allow the legs to lift off the floor. The chest and head mimic the body of the peacock as the skyward-reaching legs represents its plumed tail.  

 5. Hamsasana (THE SWAN POSE) हँसासन 

This pose is similar to peacock pose , except that the fingers face forward.

 6. Tadasana (THE MOUNTAIN POSE) ताडासन 

      It is a simple standing pose with the feet together and hands up high of your head . The practitioner needs to stand on toes . 

7. Vrikshasana (THE TREE POSE) वृक्षासन 

    It is a balancing pose on one leg. The foot of the left leg is lifted leg is placed on the inner thigh of the standing leg, and both hands are held high above the head, palms joined together. The legs represent the roots of the tree, buried underground, and the trunk of the tree begins at the trunk of the body, growing all way up through thew spine and arms ,which represent the branches. 

 8. Gomukhasana (THE COW POSE) गोमुखासन 

     This posture is said to resemble the face of a cow. From a seated position,the practitioner places one bent knee over the other, forming the cow's lips. One arm goes up laterally behind the back, and the fingers grasp the fingers of the other arm, which is bent over the corresponding shoulder. 

This asana tones and strengthens the ankles, hips, thighs, and shoulders. 

 9. Bakasana ( THE CRANE POSE ) बकासन 

     It is an arm balancing pose which looks like a crane standing in the water. It is performed by placing the hands on the ground, bending the elbows, and placing the knees on the back of the arms. In this pose the practitioner needs to fix the gaze on one spot , to find the proper balance. 

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