Thursday 29 December 2016

Home remedies to cure pimples

10 Best home remedies to cure pimples

Before knowing the remedies to cure pimples, it is very important to know what are these and how they occur ?

What are pimples ?

A pimple is a small pustule or pa-pule. Pimples are small skin lesions or inflammations of the skin - they develop when sebaceous glands (oil glands) become clogged and infected, leading to swollen, red lesions filled with pus.

Pimples are also known as spots or zits

The development of pimples is primarily connected to oil production, dead skin cells, clogged pores and bacteria (although yeast infection can also cause pimples to develop).

Common signs and symptoms of acne or pimples

Remedies to cure pimples

1. Use of ice


    You can use ice to fade your pimple .For a pimple that has not yet infected fully, ice can be utilized to diminish swelling and urge the oil organs to contract and push out the abundance oil and microbes from the disturbed organs.

   Direction - Wrap the ice cubes in a fabric and massage the infected area for a minute or two.

    Note - You can use the remedy as many times you want to do in a day and your pimple would flew within two to three days.

2. Use of Honey


    Honey is known for its characteristic of being a disinfectant and can help demolish the microbes in the oil organs rapidly, serving to accelerate the mending methodology.

   Direction - Take a clean cotton piece and dip it in the natural honey. Now apply in into the skin flaws. Leave it at least for 30 min and then wash the face with warm water gently.

Note - You can use cinnamon powder to mix with the honey to make a paste.

3. Use of tea tree oil


Tea tree oil is a bless god treating soon flaws. It has antibacterial properties which cuts skin problems. It also prevents further outbreak. Plus because it is a natural product. So, side effects are less but if you see any while using it then immediately stop using it. 

Directions - Wash your face with Luke water and then post it dry. Take a cotton ball,  dip it in the oil and apply on effected area.  Keep it for 15 to 20 min and then wash your face. 

Note - If your skin is sensitive then first make sure to dilute the oil by adding it in water in a quantity of 1:9 ( oil : water) or avoid using it . You can also use the oil with aloe Vera.  Mix both and then you are ready to use

4. Use steam 


Steam helps to open the pores and flushing out the impurities lurking deep within the skin. This function is admired by a lot of people.

Directions - Boil a pot of water,  pour into large bowl, and let it cool slightly. Place your fave above the bowl and drape your head with a towel to trap the steam. After 10 to 15 min,  remove the towel and pay your face dry. 

Note - Apply moisturizer after the steam.

5. Use of Apple Cider Vinegar


Apple cider vinegar ,has a pale medium Amber color,  is used in salad dressing, marinades,  food preservatives, chutneys, etc.  It works like a power house for the skin as it kills microorganisms that can harm your skin. And because it is a basic, makes it difficult for microbes to flourish. 

Directions - Wash your face and pat it dry.  Make a proportion of vinegar and water in 1:3 . Take a cotton ball , dip it in the proportion and apply to the flaws of the skin.  Leave it for at least 15 minutes.  Wash face and pat dry and apply skin toner. 

Note - You can apply it overnight too.

6. Use of Egg White


Egg white is known you easy, cost effective and proven way to remove pimples naturally. 

Direction - Wash your face with water and pat it dry. Now separate the whites from the yolks . You can use any number no eggs but normally 2 to 3 are enough . Now whisk the white until it is frothy and after it let it sit for 10 minutes. Apply 3 to 4 layers of  it to the face on the flaws of the skin . But make sure to let first layer dry before applying next . Allow the mask for 15 to 20 minutes before washing your face with Luke water . After the procedure apply some moisturizer.

Note - The yokes should be separated from the whites and only the whites should be whipped and apply.

7. Use of Papaya 


Papaya in its raw form contains pa-pain which is a very powerful enzyme and reduce inflammation, and helps to prevent the formation of sebum and pus .

Direction - Wash your face with water and pat it dry. Mash the pulp of papaya until it has a good consistency which can be applied onto your face  . Apply it as a mask and leave it for at least 20 minutes . Wash your face with warm water .

Note - If your skin is still dry even after the procedure then apply the moisturizer .
           Raw papaya is best for the purpose .

8. Use of Orange peel paste


Orange is rich in citric acid and Vitamin C.  Hence using orange peels and taking juice out of it and applying on the face could help dissolve pimples.  However,  it has to be done regularly and repeated more than twice a day.

Direction - Wash your face with water and pat it dry. Mash the peel of orange until it has a good consistency which can be applied onto your face  . Apply it as a mask and leave it for at least 20 minutes . Wash your face with warm water .

Note - If your skin is still dry even after the procedure then apply the moisturizer .
           You can use a blender to blend or mash the peel to get a good consistency and add a little water .

9. Use of Strawberries and Honey


Strawberries are rich in salicylic acid and therefore when mixed with the honey it could help a lot in getting rid of pimples naturally. This is because it helps the clogs to open up and leading to neutralization of bacteria.

Direction - Wash your face with water and pat it dry. Take at least 4 strawberries and mash them but with care ( don't over - mash ) . Ad two table spoons of honey and mix well to make a paste .  Apply it as a mask and leave it for at least 20 minutes . Wash your face with warm water .

Note - If your skin is still dry even after the procedure then apply the moisturizer .

10. Use of Aloe Vera Gel 

Aloe Vera is used as traditional medicine for skin treatment , It has anti bacterial properties . It works as an anti-inflammatory and helps to decrease the redness and swelling . It soothes the skin and makes the body relax .

Direction - Wash your face with water and pat it dry. Apply aloe Vera gel directly to the face with the help of cotton ball . Leave it for 20 to 30 minutes . Wash your face with warm water .

Note - If your skin is still dry even after the procedure then apply the moisturizer .

11. Use of Banana Peel


Lemon has many beauty benefits, such as lightening dark spots on your skin,  lightening  skin complexion, evening out skin tone, treating oily complexion.

Direction - Wash your face with water and pat it dry. Take a small piece of banana peel and rub it on the affected area for a few minutes until the inside of the peel turns brown. As it dries, your skin will absorb the vitamins and nutrients in the peel. Leave it on for about 30 mins. and then wash it off with warm water.

12. Use of Lemon Juice

 Lemons are rich in vitamin C and citric acid, so they can help brighten and lighten your skin when used over time. Vitamin C is a great antioxidant for neutralizing free radicals and boosting collagen production. That means it can help lighten age spots, dark spots, or a fake tan gone wrong.

Direction - Wash your face with water and pat it dry. Apply to skin and let sit 15-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and moisturize.

Note - For a skin-lightening mask for dry skin, mix 1 tablespoon powdered milk, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, and 2 drops of essential oil. Apply to skin and let sit for 20-25 minutes.

13. Use Of Sodium Bicarbonate


Sodium Bicarbonate which is also known as baking soda , a natural substance that is crystalline but often appears as a fine powder. This alkaline substance has antibacterial, anti fungal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also a powerful medical tool effective at combating everything from colds to oral problems to skin issues.

Direction - Wash your face with water and pat it dry. Now make a thick paste paste of water and baking soda . Scrub the mixture onto your face for at least 2 minutes and then leave the mixture at least 15 to 20 minutes . Wash your face with warm water .

Note - If your skin is still dry even after the procedure then apply the moisturizer .

14. Use of Garlic

Garlic has large amount of allicin present in it and allicin has anti-fungal, anti-aging and skin smoothing benefits. It is also known to increase antioxidant levels of the skin and body.

Direction - Wash your face with water and pat it dry.Now cut a freshly piece of raw garlic and apply a little pressure on it to release some juice and then rub this garlic pod onto the affected area. Leave it for 5 minutes and was off with cold water. 

15. Use of Potato


Apart from being used as a food source, potatoes have an important role to play in skincare as well. As pointed out earlier, they are rich in vitamin C which is vital for maintaining skin health. It helps to remove dark circles , wrinkles , dark spots , sun burn , skin lightening , dry skin , cleanser , eye puffiness and etc. 

Direction - Wash your face with water and pat it dry . Mix the 1 tbsp of meshed potato and 1 tbsp of lemon juice. Apply this paste on the face. It works as the natural facial bleach and lighten the dark skin complexion. Rinse it off after 10- 15 minutes.

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