Monday 9 January 2017

Asanas poses of the animals and the earth

 1. Matsyasana & Matsyendrasana ( THE FISH POSE ) मत्स्यासन 

     In this pose practitioner needs to lie on the back, with legs extended and elbows drawn beneath the body. An inhale lifts the chest towards the ceiling , while the head drops back and the crown touches the floor . Just as there are many types of fish in the sea, there are many variations in this pose. 


 2. Chandrasana & Ardha Chandrasana ( MOON AND HALF-MOON POSE) चंद्रासन 

    In this pose practitioner is in a a standing lunge position, with the back knee off the floor. The arms reach up, and the spine stays long. 

Ardha Chandrasana is also a standing pose, but it is requires more balance and attention. While standing up on one foot with the corresponding g hand on the floor, you need to stretch out the body, reaches back with the other leg, and reaches up with the free hand. Eventually, the practitioner needs to turn the head to look at the sky. 

3. Bhujangasana (THE COBRA POSE) भुजंगासन 

    It is a simple back-bend pose . The practitioner needs to lie on the belly and use the muscles of the back to lift our head and chest and upper arms represent the hood of the cobra. 

 4. Mayurasana (THE PEACOCK POSE) मयूरासन 

   It is a balancing pose. Practitioner puts the hands together on the floor, fingers pointing backwards. Then, resting on the elbows, lean forwards in order to allow the legs to lift off the floor. The chest and head mimic the body of the peacock as the skyward-reaching legs represents its plumed tail.  

 5. Hamsasana (THE SWAN POSE) हँसासन 

This pose is similar to peacock pose , except that the fingers face forward.

 6. Tadasana (THE MOUNTAIN POSE) ताडासन 

      It is a simple standing pose with the feet together and hands up high of your head . The practitioner needs to stand on toes . 

7. Vrikshasana (THE TREE POSE) वृक्षासन 

    It is a balancing pose on one leg. The foot of the left leg is lifted leg is placed on the inner thigh of the standing leg, and both hands are held high above the head, palms joined together. The legs represent the roots of the tree, buried underground, and the trunk of the tree begins at the trunk of the body, growing all way up through thew spine and arms ,which represent the branches. 

 8. Gomukhasana (THE COW POSE) गोमुखासन 

     This posture is said to resemble the face of a cow. From a seated position,the practitioner places one bent knee over the other, forming the cow's lips. One arm goes up laterally behind the back, and the fingers grasp the fingers of the other arm, which is bent over the corresponding shoulder. 

This asana tones and strengthens the ankles, hips, thighs, and shoulders. 

 9. Bakasana ( THE CRANE POSE ) बकासन 

     It is an arm balancing pose which looks like a crane standing in the water. It is performed by placing the hands on the ground, bending the elbows, and placing the knees on the back of the arms. In this pose the practitioner needs to fix the gaze on one spot , to find the proper balance. 

Saturday 7 January 2017

Asanas Poses of the god

1.  Natarajasana ( LORD OF THE DANCE POSE ) नटराजासन 

    It is a standing balance posture that involves bending one knee and grasping the ankle or foot from behind . As the yogi then leans forward and kicks back with foot , an arm stretches forward to complete the pose. This pose is the physical embodiment of one of the many guises of Lord Shiva

2.  Virabhadrasana (THE WARRIOR POSE ) वीरभद्रासन 

   The series of warrior pose include three variations that could easily be considered the most iconic of the standing postures. All three are strong standing poses. The first is oriented towards the front, with arms up overboard ; the second is oriented to the side, with the arms outstretched ;and the third is again oriented to the front,but with arms outstretched forward, and the balanced on one leg. Although the three postures are generally not taught in succession, they all fit together and illustrate power and ferocity of the warrior . 

3. Hanumanasana, Anjaneyasana & Virasana हनुमानासन , अंजनेयासन  & वीरासन 

    These three poses are grouped together because they all illustrate the story of the beloved monkey God Hanuman who is the son of Goddess Anjaney . This pose is full split post, facing forward. It is a deep, kneeling lunge, and virasana is a seated pose designed to stretch the thighs and create healthy knee joints. 

4. Halasana (THE PLOW POSE) HAलासन 

  It refers to a plow that tills the dead earth to bring forth life. In this pose, the practitioner lies on the floor, lifts the legs up and over the head, placing the toes on the floor behind the head. It stretches the spine and the thyroid gland. It also balances the throat chakra

5. Kurmasana (THE TORTOISE POSE) कुर्मासन 

In this pose the arms are stretched out on the side of the body, the legs are over the arms, and the chest and shoulders ideally rest on the floor, resembling a tortoise with its legs out. The next stage, resembles a tortoise that has withdrawn into its shell. The hands are brought behind the body and the ankles cross behind the head. 

It lengthens the back muscles and helps to release tightness in the sacrum and lumbar region. 

6. Garudasana (THE EAGLE POSE )गरुड़ासन 

     The practitioner begins the pose by standing in tadasana and the hands at the side of the body, then bends the knees, brings one leg over the other, and if possible, good the foot behind the calf of the standing leg. The arm on the side of the body of the lifted leg is then hooked under the other arm. The benefits of the garudasana include strengthening and stretching the ankles and calves and improving balance. 

 7.  Simhasana (THE LION POSE ) सिंहासना 

      It is performed by sitting on the knees like a sphinx with the fingers outstretched. On the exhale, the practitioner sticks the tongue out and roars like a lion, while the eyes look towards the Ajna chakra( it is between the eyebrows).

This pose relieves tension in the neck and face, stimulates the thyroid, and helps to rid the body of toxins. 

Friday 6 January 2017

List of all the asanas

Poses of the yogi

  •    Padmasana
  •    Anjali & Namaste Mudras
  •    Chakrasana
  •    Trikonasana
  •    Siddhasana
  •    Dhanurasana
  •    Balasana
  •    Dandasana

Poses of the gods

  •    Natarajasana
  •    Virabhadrasana
  •    Hanumanasana, Anjaneyasana & Virasana
  •    Halasana
  •    Kurmasana
  •    Garudasana
  •    Simhasana

Poses of the sages

  •    Bharadvajasana
  •    Koundinyasana
  •    Vasisthasana
  •    Astavakrasana
  •    Vishvamitrasana

Poses of animals and the earth

  •    Matsyasana & Matsyendrasana
  •    Chandrasana & Ardha Chandrasana 
  •    Bhujangasana
  •    Mayurasana
  •    Hamsasana
  •    Tadasana
  •    Vrikshasana
  •    Gomukhasana
  •    Bakasana
  •    Shavasana

To know about these asanas poses then visit -

Thursday 5 January 2017

Asana poses of the sages

Here are all the poses of the sages . 

1.  Bharadvajasana ( THE HALF - LOTUS SEATED TWIST POSE ) भारद्वाजासन 

It is a challenging twist which is full of grace when fully accomplished. One leg is in half (leg bent with the foot on the outside of the hip , toes pointing backwards ), and the other leg in in a half lotus position ( foot high up on the inner thigh, with the knee moving towards the floor ). The practitioner takes a deep twist towards the leg that is in half lotus , and the hand on the same side reaches back to grab the big toe, completing the twist . 

2.   Koundinyasana ( THE STRAIGHT LEGS SIDE CROW POSE ) कौंडिन्यासन 

This posture is easily reached from a parivritta bakasana , or side crane pose . Both legs are extended at opposite angles with the body is in a twisted position . Meeting the challenges of both versions of this posture requires a belief in oneself . 

3.   Vasisthasana ( THE SIDE PLANK POSE ) वसिष्ठासन 

It is a challenging arm balance that strengthen all the major groups of the body ( arms, legs , core , and spine ). The practitioner balances on one arm , with the body straight and the fleet flexed sideways on the floor . 

4.   Astavakrasana  (THE EIGHT ANGLE POSE ) अस्टावक्रसना 

This pose reflects the crooked profile of the sage. It is an arm balance which involves extending one leg over the other corresponding arm , extending the other below it, and crossing the ankles. When the body leans forwards,and the elbows are bent, the act of squeezing and straightening the legs allows the seat to lift off the floor . this challenging pose strengthens arms , wrists , and abdominal muscles . 

Asana poses of the yogi

Here are all the poses of a yogi .

1. PADMASANA ( LOTUS POSE ) पद्मासन 

     The lotus posture is the quintessential seated meditation posture,  which often eludes yogis whose hips have not yet softened through their Asana practice. With the feet crossed on the top of the thighs, this posture pins the thigh bones to the floor, creating a grounded seat and am effortlessly straight spine. The lotus is a potent symbol for the yogi and is often associated with the creative forces within us. Another powerful symbol of creativity is the sound of OM .


2. ANJALI & NAMASTE MUDRA अंजलि  & नमस्ते  मुद्रा 

    Anjali and Namaste Mudras are not Asana, but rather energetic seals, or symbolic gestures, which are commonly used in Asana practice. At the beginning of the practice, we typically bring our hands together in a prayer position while changing OM. Those who practice vinyasa - style Asana will bring their hands to prayer at the start and close of sun salutations as well as in warrior 1,with arms raised overhead. This gesture is a touchstone of the practice and has potent meaning that it's origin is worth a closer look.


    Chakrasana, or the wheel pose, is a deep back bend. It is similar to upward - facing bow, except that in this pose, the hands "walk" close enough to the feet to grasp the ankles. When the hands and the feet connect, the body resembles a wheel or circle. This circle represents the completion of our internal energy circuit, which begin at the energy center that is located at the base of the spine and ends at the energy center at the crown of the head.


    The three angles ( tri Konas in Sanskrit)  of a triangle make it one of the strongest and most stable shapes in nature. In triangle pose, there are three triangle shapes made with the body ; one with our legs and the floor, a second one underneath the side of the body with the arm and front leg, and the third connecting the top hand and two feet.


    siddhasana means "perfect pose " or " pose of accomplishment " . It is performed by placing the left heel against the groin area, or perineum, and the right ankle over the left. Together with padmasana and sukhasana , it is one of the postures recommended for use in pranayama and meditation .


In this pose the body bend backwards like an archer's bow , with the torso and legs representing the body of the bow and the arms , the strings . In addition to provide the general benefits of a backbend, such as creating openness in the upper spine and heart, this pose improves shoulder flexibility . 


Balasana, also known as Child’s Pose, is a gentle resting pose that stretches the hips, thighs and legs while calming the mind and relieving stress and tension. During this exercise, make sure to maintain a focus on your breathing. We often forget to consciously focus on our breathing, taking full breathes throughout the entire exercise. Balasana’s dome shape provides the perfect pose for refocusing and enhancing the benefits of our inhales and exhales.



    Danda means 'rod" or "staff" . In the seated version of dandasans , the legs are straight and the torso is upright . In this pose body is straight like a stick and parallel to the floor , with only hands and feet touching it .


Sources - Google,