Saturday 24 December 2016



Which age is perfect for children to get marry ??? Is 18 for girls and 21 for boys a perfect age ?

A separate STATS chart plotting the minimum legal age of marriage for girls worldwide reveals that the US is one of the lowest on record, with several places - including Massachusetts - allowing girls as young as 12 to be wed with the consent of a judge.
It is matched only by Saudi Arabia and Yemen, where age of consent for marriage ranges between 9 and 13 years old . 

Whenever it comes to child marriage then people always think the name of India but never of USA or Europe . People think that " This happens only in INDIA because of their backward thoughts". But what about those countries where a 65 years old married to just a 12 years old girl and a 35 years old man married 12 years old girl 
Virginia Child Marriage
These were the cases where children were forced to get marry but what about those cases where a child willingly wants to marry ? Though it is correct that below 18 and 21 , is not the age where children have the capacity to think on the complexity / consequences / disadvantages or advantages but some children are enough mature for their age . They understand the complexity of life . 

Please make sure to comment and share to make people more and more aware . 

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